What I gathered, other than business cards, was that Ad people are very modest... hahaha.. just kidding! ;) But really, I did get a taste of what it may feel like to get noticed for your hard work. There were a lot of great entries and well deserved awards.
As I told most people, I was going to post some photos on my blog site. So, like I said, here they are:
(Feel free to right click and save, as long as you look through my portfolio site. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! ;) Thanks!)

S.S. Captain Morgan ;)

The Entries
JC and Lindsay from the Creative Group.
The ELEVEN group
Zeyrep, Emily, Mandi, and Nicolette
Mr. & Mrs. Green taking a look at the work.

The WHOLE Mekanism group. (Great work guys!)

24seven inc. group

The award show
Me, Balinder, & Dax with our new friends Caroline, Yvonne, and Chef Mike (thanks for the drinks!)
J picking up his award!

The talented photographer Julianna and myself.

The boy interns, Jeremy, Dax, Alex, and Me.

And the GIRL intern Balinder. Isn't she cute! ;)
Ps, I believe these photos may appear on this Thursday's (March 19) SF Examiner! Keep and eye out! ;)